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Woodlands Health & Performance offers more than standard chiropractic clinics. With a focus on observing our patients’ health through a holistic lens, we provide an array of integrative therapies for individuals navigating medical conditions, injuries, and emotional unwellness at our chiropractic and massage therapy center. Discover industry-leading MLS laser therapy treatment, physical therapy, and advanced massage therapy with our specialists in St. Cloud, MN.

Chiropractor helping a patient with physical therapies in St Cloud, MN

Discover Holistic Healthcare

Invest in your health and wellness without invasive surgeries, prescription drugs, and ineffective procedures. It’s time to embrace natural and sustainable relief. At Woodlands Health & Performance, we leverage the transformative impact of holistic healthcare to deliver a range of therapeutic modalities designed to restore the function, balance, and comfort of the body.

Explore Our Therapeutic Modalities

At Woodlands Health & Performance, there are no restrictions when it comes to safe and effective pain relief. Our specialists are equipped to accommodate the diverse requirements of our patients. From sports injuries and muscle strains to post-car accident care, diabetic neuropathy, and arthritis, we are here to help.

Professional Physical Therapy Clinic

To unlock the body’s innate healing power, Woodlands Health & Performance provides expert physical therapy. With advanced training and certifications, our physical therapists employ a modern, drug-free approach to natural and sustainable pain relief. Combining clinic sessions with at-home techniques and individualized guidance, we help patients overcome physical distress caused by medical conditions and injuries.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy

Our advanced physical therapy sets you on track to reclaiming your confidence, comfort, and wellness. The benefits of physical therapy include:

  • Effective pain management
  • Avoid the need for surgical interventions
  • Reduced/eliminated reliance on prescription painkillers
  • Streamlined injury recovery
  • Prevent future injuries
  • Stimulate healing following stroke or paralysis

Our Massage Therapy Center

Whether you are navigating car accident pain or a chronic condition, expedite your recovery and reset your systemic balance with Woodlands Health & Performance. We excel in individualized massage therapies to address soft tissue injuries, muscle spasms, overuse, medical conditions, and stress. With our extensive expertise, we can offer trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, and more.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

As a premier massage therapy center in St. Cloud, MN, our treatments are known for fostering exceptional results. Some of the benefits of massage therapy include:

  • Improved circulation
  • Muscle stiffness relief
  • Decreased joint inflammation
  • Lower stress levels
  • Improved mood and energy levels
  • Greater mobility and physical function

Advanced MLS Pain Laser Therapy

Overcome acute and chronic pain with our advanced MLS pain laser therapy. This revolutionary laser modality is designed to reduce discomfort, inflammation, and arthritis in various areas of the body. Both minimally invasive and drug-free, MLS laser therapy leverages concentrated light energy to trigger the body’s inherent healing response for natural and sustainable pain relief.

The Benefits of MLS Laser Therapy

Our advanced MLS laser therapy is a transformative experience. The leading benefits of this innovative approach to pain relief include:

  • Safe and minimally-invasive
  • Analgesic for drug-free pain relief
  • Optimized lymphatic drainage
  • Reduce/eliminate inflammation
  • Improve vascular function
  • Increase metabolic activity
  • Enhanced nerve function
  • Increase collagen substrate production

Individualized Therapies for Sustainable Relief

Determining the right treatment for your situation can be overwhelming. At Woodlands Health & Performance, we’re here to eliminate the guesswork. With our personalized consultation process, we assess your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and other influential factors to develop individualized therapy plans that foster tangible improvements in all aspects of your life.

Invest In Your Health with Our Professional Therapies

Whether you’re navigating the aftermath of an injury, a chronic medical condition, or acute discomfort, Woodlands Health & Performance is here to get you on track to sustainable relief. Step beyond the standard physical therapy clinic with our multidisciplinary professionals in St. Cloud, MN. Contact our experts today to get started.

Schedule Your Appointment Today